September features the Starburst block which is a classic block added to the Sew Hometown pattern! The inverted star block is made with half-square triangle units made simple with squares.
Starburst Block
I love making each of these blocks different! Sometimes I’ll use scraps from favorite fat quarters, or even a spare Layer Cake square for this block. And, using the same background fabric throughout your blocks makes cutting your blocks still quick and efficient.

This simple block is great for developing your own precision tips. Is there a tip you can share with other makers in the comments below? We always include a trim size for your Half-Square triangle units. This is a step that we do not recommend skipping, which just leads to frustration. By trimming down the HST units we are able to verify that they are the right size, with a little wiggle room in the 1/4″ seam allowance.
We would love to see your blocks too – be sure to tag us on social media with @inspiringstitches and #inspiringstitches or #sewhometown
Do you need a scrappy challenge in your quilting studio? Sew with us! Sew Hometown is a great pattern for new and experienced quilters. Learn more about Sew Hometown here.
Check back each month for a video to go along with the written instructions in the pattern.