The month of March features the cute and fun Crosswalk Block! Crosswalk Block To quickly make the Crosswalk block we need to make a few half-square triangle units. Then strip piece a couple strips to then cut segments to size. In the video I’ve shared a few of my best tips for cutting accurately from […]
Sew Hometown – Birdhouse Block

It’s time to turn the page on our calendar and share a new block. The birdhouse block is a new twist on a old quilting favorite, the log cabin. Birdhouse Block The Birdhouse block is the perfect design to play with color. So grab your fabrics and just play. Once you have determined your color […]
Sew Hometown — Cottage Block

As we start the New Year we wanted to share step-by-step how to make the Cottage block! Cottage Block The Cottage block is fairly straight-forward once all the pieces are cut. Do use a smaller ruler for cutting the small pieces. When working with a lot of small pieces I suggest a quick double check […]
Tree Block | Heartland Heritage

We are down to our final unit if the Heartland Heritage quilt along. This simple tree block is easy to make and perfect for when time at the machine is tight. The tree block measures 6″ square when finished and uses 2 contrast colors along with your background. You will need to make 5 tree […]
Tulip Block | Heartland Heritage

It’s time to turn the page on our calendar and start working on the next Heartland Heritage unit, the tulip block. This pretty block is perfect for stretching your sewing skills. For anyone just starting out, this block might be tricky. The block measures 9″ square when finished and uses 3 contrast colors with your […]
Preparing for Fall Quilt Market 2018
It’s that time of year again when Amy and I are busy preparing for International Quilt Market in Houston, Texas. From designer to shop owner, Quilt market is always a buzz of activity. This year we are expanding our footprint and debuting our 2019 calendar quilt, Sew Hometown. One of the most exciting parts of […]
Spotlight Block | Heartland Heritage

We are coming closer to finishing our Heartland Heritage quilt top and today, we are showing off our Spotlight block This simple block is perfect for practicing points. For anyone just starting out, these can be tricky. The block measures 9″ square when finished and uses 2 contrast colors with your background. You will […]
Sew Hometown | Our 2019 Calendar Girl

Amy & I are beyond excited to finally reveal our 2019 design. Allow us to introduce you to 2019 calendar girl, Sew Hometown! Start your new year off with an exciting adventure that offers a variety of blocks, techniques and color options. The results will be a stunning quilt top that is sure to push […]
Willow Tree Quilt Block | Heartland Heritage

We can’t wait for the cool nights and pretty leaves of the season. Something about all those pretty colors is so inspiring! This month we are stitching up the Willow Tree Quilt block from Heartland Heritage. The block is designed to help you perfect your HST technique. This block measures 12″ square when finished […]
Sweet Pea Block | Heartland Heritage

Wow, summer is almost over and we know you want to enjoy every last minute. So, we made sure the Sweet Pea Block for August was easy to make. This block measures 6″ square when finished and uses 3 fabrics. You will need to make 5 blocks to complete your quilt. Remember, you can […]